A Blessing in disguise

This piece was written for my writers group, the subject challenge that week a blessing in disguise. It was the first piece I’ve written for the group, feedback is welcome.

Rick pushed back from his desk as another coughing fit overcame him, longer and more persistent than the last one. He tried to stifle it so as not to wake his sleeping wife, who’d already been out several times tonight to tell him to come back to bed. She didn’t quite understand the important work he was doing, not many people really did, not amongst his friends and family at least, certainly nobody at work. Those woke snowflakes wouldn’t know the worlds real problems if they came up and bit them on the arse, banging on about global warming and equality like that shit would save the world. That’s exactly what they want you to think kid, while the criminal elite are pulling the strings and controlling the world you’re off talking about renewables and recycling. Idiots.

The coughing died down after a bit and Rick could resume his important work. As one of the key organizers behind tomorrow’s freedom rallies he could honestly say he was one of the most important people in the state at this point in time, one of the people organizing the uprising, the rebellion if you like. He imagined himself as a Han Solo type, swashbuckling good looking and the only one in the joint who could really see what was going on and still grab the girl.  A shoot first kind of guy. Never mind that Star Wars had come out when he was 15 and his swashbuckling along with most of his hair had deserted him a good while back.Online he was a hero, a leader and warrior.

He smiled at the thought of being the hero which set off another round of coughing, more violent the more he tried to stifle it. Reaching for the medicine his naturopath mixed for him he knocked over a coffee mug from earlier. “Fu-high-ck” he swore not at all quietly and unscrewed the cap and necked as much as he could swallow between coughs. This stuff really should be working by now he thought. The coughing subsided just as his wife appeared sleepily and pleading “Come to bed Rick, you’re unwell and you need to sleep”. Rick tried to think about when he had last slept when his wife told him: “You haven’t been to sleep since Wednesday, you need a break” , “Just a few more messages love, this is important” he replied. She looked like she was about to argue but the coughing overtook him again.


He wasn’t sure how he got to the Bruce Springsteen concert, or was it Neil Young? Why is Bruce Springsteen singing Neil Young songs and what’s that pipping sound low in the mix, and the telephone, can’t people put their phones on silent at a concert? I can’t hear the band for Gods sake. Then Bruce or Neil is talking to him, directly at him like he’s the only one there and the house lights are right up. “Rick, can you hear me? My name is Dr Young, do you know where you are?” 

Rick didn’t know where he was, he had been at his computer organizing the freedom rally just a minute ago, he’d also been at a concert, now he was in a brightly lit room and a guy was talking at him through a full plastic mask and done up in a full hazmat type suit. Where was he and who are these people in suits.

“Rick my names Dr Young, you’re in the Covid ward at King Charles hospital, you appear to have quite an advanced case’ 

Rick tried to laugh but had no energy to move, he felt like he was tied down, everybody knew Covid was a hoax, not real, how could he possibly have something that didn’t exist. 

“It’s quite lucky that your wife called the ambulance when she did, getting you on oxygen and treating the virus when we did quite likely saved your life, you’re a lucky man” the doctor went on “for the first 48 hours you were touch and go, it was that close”

48 hours Rick thought, he finally found the energy to speak “How long have..?” He wheezed out. “How long have you been here?” Dr Young checked the notes”You were admitted at 4am Saturday morning so you’ve been here 5 days”

Rick had missed the rallies, his chance to be a hero and play a part in waking up the population and he’d slept through it. His chance to finally meet his fellow Generals in this battle, to stand arm in arm and take on the world. 

A tear started rolling down his cheek. Doctor Young patted his arm “Don’t be upset you’re alright now”

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